Experience Design - More than digital March 29th, 2013

Experience Design is commonly applied to pure digital products and services. If dismissed as only capable of defining the digital delivery channel the capabilities and potential of Experience Design have been miss understood.

Experience design based on User Centred Design (UCD) principles places the user at the centre of all design decis…

Personas - enabling the design of experience differentiated services March 22nd, 2013

On my desk right now sit three research documents. Two of the reports have been carried out by third parties, the third having been created by in-house resources. On average the reports run to 60 pages. All result with a set of ‘persona’ that are being or will be used to inform design decisions in the related projects.

Each c…

Become the Number One Destination for Your Mobile Audience March 11th, 2013

This is the transcript of my presentation at Online Information in 2011 - a long time ago in mobile development techniques. However many of the key points still stand particularly regarding making the most of the opportunities that result from an ever increasing p…

Showrooming - the biggest opportunity for retail? March 8th, 2013

Showrooming is the practice of examining merchandise in a traditional brick and mortar retail store without purchasing it, but then shopping online to find a lower price for the same item Wikipedia. Is (only?) now causing concern on the high street.


User Experience Research - Value and Foundations February 27th, 2013

User Experience research practices aim to identify needs and mitigate risk having based and subsequently repeatedly tested design hypothesis with current and potential users.

Deliverables and artefacts produced from a UX phase of work are classified into tactical and strategic. Tactical items are those that aim to communicate findings an…

I'm Adam Fellowes, helping teams build trust, inspire loyalty and improve digital product experiences, find out how...

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