Guidance noun 1. the act or function of guiding; leadership; direction. 2. advice or counseling, especially that provided for students choosing a c…
Helping teams build trust, inspire loyalty and improve digital product experiences.
Particular interest in content experiences built with identity, access, payments and notifications as founding principles.
Experienced working in-house and with agency teams. Aware of the collaboration and craft required to design experiences that meet user needs so ensuring business objectives are met.
For projects I’m assigned, responsibilities include;
Right now I’m managing a team of User Experience designers at EE where my role supports almost all of the businesses digital products from marketing, eCommerce and self service.
You’re reading my site probably because you wish to find out about me, what I do or can offer your company. To help you on your way the site is split into two main parts, a blog and case studies. Below you’ll find the latest entries in each so…
I'm Adam Fellowes, helping teams build trust, inspire loyalty and improve digital product experiences, find out how...